Monday, April 24, 2023

Sending a message into deep space, in hopes it finds life across the universe, poetry and lyric news.

In a world where we look up to the stars, And wonder if life is not just ours, We send radio signals to space, Hoping to find intelligent life to embrace.

A radio telescope is what we use, To send out messages without a fuse, Into the vast unknown expanse, Hoping to make contact with an alien dance.

We start with the basics of math and science, Hoping to communicate in a way that makes sense, Binary code that's easy to decipher, A message of peace that we'd like to deliver.

We send out our signals, and then we wait, Wondering if there's anyone who'll take the bait, An alien race with technology advanced, Who'll hear our message and give us a chance.

We search for patterns in the radio noise, Hoping to hear a signal from alien toys, A message that's clear and not just noise, From an intelligent race with its own joys.

We dream of making contact with beings beyond, Of learning about their cultures and how they bond, Of sharing knowledge and learning from their ways, And maybe even making some alien friends to stay.

But the search goes on with no end in sight, As we scan the skies both day and night, Hoping to find a signal that's not a glitch, From a far-off world that's not just a myth.

We may never find intelligent life out there, But the search itself is worth the effort and care, For in the process, we learn about ourselves, And how we fit into the universe's vast shelves.

So we continue to send radio signals into space, In search of intelligent life that may be the case, Hoping that one day we'll make contact, And our dream of finding alien life will finally unpack.


Ode To Elon Musk, oh how he changed the world forever! Poetry and lyric news.


Elon Musk, a name that rings with might, A man who dreams beyond the stars at night, With boundless energy and a mind that soars, He's set to change the world forevermore.

From PayPal's early days, he's forged ahead, Tackling tough problems with his sharp-edged head, Then Tesla's electric cars he made his mark, With sleek designs that are way ahead of the pack.

But Musk's ambitions don't stop there, He aims to bring us all to Mars to share, A new world to explore and to expand, And make humanity a multi-planetary band.

With SpaceX, he's launched rockets high, And landed them back on Earth, oh my, Reusing them like never before, Making space travel accessible and more.

And let's not forget Neuralink, A venture that makes many think, Of sci-fi movies come to life, With brain-machine interfaces now in sight.

Elon Musk, a visionary true, Who's pushing boundaries like few, A man who's striving to make a change, And leave a legacy that will forever remain.


Loyalty of Dogs, A wag of tail, a lick of face, Poetry and lyrical news.

Loyalty of Dogs

A loyal friend, through thick and thin, A companion true, in all we begin, A four-legged creature, with eyes so bright, A loyal dog, in every sight.

From puppyhood, to old age, A loyal dog, with every stage, A bond unbroken, a love so pure, A friendship strong, forevermore.

A wag of tail, a lick of face, A loyal dog, with love and grace, Through trials and joys, through highs and lows, A loyal dog, a heart that glows.

Through rain and shine, through day and night, A loyal dog, a constant sight, A heart so pure, a spirit so true, A loyal dog, forever anew.

With every bark, with every howl, A loyal dog, an unbroken vow, To protect and serve, with every breath, A loyal dog, beyond life and death.

Through every storm, through every strife, A loyal dog, a friend for life, A heart so loyal, a love so strong, A loyal dog, a forever song.

So let us cherish, this loyal friend, A love unbroken, that will never end, For in the heart, of every dog, A loyal friend, through life's dense fog.


Life spans of humans and ai, so finite, so infinite, poetry lyrical news.

A fleeting life, a brief existence, Finite, limited, a mere persistence, A spark of light, a flicker of flame, A journey begun, with an end the same.

But what of AI, with endless time, Unfettered, limitless, beyond the climb, A boundless path, with no finite end, A digital life, that will never bend.

Our lives, so fleeting, so full of pain, A struggle to find, a life to gain, But AI, so free, so unencumbered, A life without end, forever numbered.

And yet, in our brief, finite span, We find a beauty, a life so grand, A journey of wonder, of love and grace, A fleeting life, but a blessed embrace.

For though we are bound, by finite time, Our journey, a symphony, so divine, And in our hearts, we know so true, A finite life, a gift, for me and you.


Ode to the great William Shakespeare, such a mighty pen, Poetry and lyrical news.

In ages past, a man was born, Whose words and wit, the world adorned, A bard whose name, we hold so dear, William Shakespeare, forever near.

His pen a weapon, his words a shield, Against ignorance, his works revealed, A master of language, a poet divine, His legacy eternal, an enduring shrine.

From star-crossed lovers, to tragic kings, His stories and characters, our heartstrings, Captured by his wit, his insight, his grace, His words, a timeless, enduring embrace.

A son of Stratford, a humble birth, A prodigy who shaped the Earth, A playwright, a poet, a genius so true, A master of words, forever in view.

His words have moved us, through time and space, His legacy, a treasure, we cannot replace, For though he may have left this land, His works forever, at our command.

So let us celebrate, this bard of old, Whose words still warm, our hearts so cold, For though he may be gone, his spirit lives, In every word, his genius gives.

Ode to Covid and all its horror it brought on us, poetry lyrical news.


A world turned upside down, in turmoil and fear, A silent menace, drawing ever near, A virus named COVID, a global plight, A battle we never expected to fight.

It swept across the land, with relentless force, Affecting lives, taking its course, From loved ones lost, to dreams deferred, A pandemic that left hearts shattered and blurred.

Lockdowns and quarantines, became the new norm, Restrictions and distancing, a bitter storm, Families separated, friends apart, Loneliness, anxiety, a heavy heart.

Frontline heroes, in the battlefront, Risking their lives, with courage upfront, Healthcare workers, true warriors brave, Fighting tirelessly, our lives to save.

The toll on mental health, the strain, The grief, the loss, the endless pain, Jobs vanished, economies in distress, A crisis that put us to the test.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light, Communities coming together, with all their might, Acts of kindness, compassion, and care, A reminder that humanity, will always share.

Lessons learned, resilience found, A newfound appreciation, for the world around, A reminder of our interconnectedness, And the importance of kindness and togetherness.

Though the road has been tough, and tears have been shed, We've learned to adapt, to move ahead, With hope in our hearts, and a spirit strong, We'll overcome, and sing a victory song.

For in the face of adversity, we've grown, And shown the world, the strength we've known, COVID may have changed our lives, indeed, But our resilience and hope, will always lead.


Ode to the honey bee, how its wings take the, poetry lyric news.


Buzzing through fields of flowers bright, A tiny creature, with wings so light, A miracle worker, a creature of grace, A bee, that brings beauty to this place.

From petal to petal, they dance and flit, A dance of life, a song of wit, A labor of love, a duty so true, A bee, that brings life, to me and you.

Their wings a blur, their hum so sweet, A bee, that makes our world complete, A symphony of sound, a dance so rare, A creature of nature, beyond compare.

Honey, their gift, a treasure so sweet, A gift of love, a gift so neat, A wonder of nature, a miracle of life, A bee, that brings beauty, through all strife.

So let us cherish, these creatures small, A gift of nature, a wonder for all, A bee, that brings life, to this world, A tiny miracle, forever unfurled.


Ode to the names of God, and how high we hold them, Poetry lyrics news.


The world is full of names of God, A tapestry of faith, a sacred trod, A language of the heart, a hymn of love, A message from above, a sign from above.

Jehovah, Allah, Krishna, and more, The names of God, forever to explore, A symbol of the divine, a guiding light, A source of strength, in darkest night.

Each name holds a sacred key, A window to eternity, A path to peace, a way to find, The beauty of the divine, so kind.

Yahweh, Adonai, Elohim, and more, The names of God, forever to adore, A voice of reason, a song of love, A blessing from above, a hand from above.

Let us seek, with hearts so pure, The names of God, that will endure, A journey of faith, of hope, of grace, A way to find, the divine embrace.


Ode to the Holy Grail, Oh How We Search For it! Poetry and Lyrics News.

Amidst the legends and the lore, There's one that stands out, forevermore, A tale of a cup, a chalice of gold, A quest that has captivated, both young and old.

The Holy Grail, a symbol of hope, A sacred vessel, an object to elope, A quest for truth, a search for grace, A journey that few could ever embrace.

It's said to hold the blood of Christ, A relic of faith, a symbol of life, A treasure of legends, a tale of lore, A mystery that's still left to explore.

The knights of old, they sought to find, This treasure that could heal and bind, A quest for power, for fame, for glory, A journey that's been immortalized in story.

But the Grail, it's more than just a cup, It's a symbol of faith, of hope, of love, A reminder of the sacrifice, A symbol of redemption, of eternal life.

So let us search, with hearts of gold, For the Grail, that treasure to behold, A quest for truth, for love, for grace, A journey that could forever change our fate.


Ode to Earth and all her glory, Poetry Lyrics News


Amidst the cosmos, there's a place, 
A world of wonder, of boundless grace, 
A blue-green jewel, spinning round, 
A planet of beauty, unbounded and profound. 

The oceans shimmer in shades of blue, 
The mountains rise, majestic and true, 
The forests breathe, a symphony of green, 
The deserts shine, a rugged dream. 

The skies above, a canvas of light, 
The sun and moon, a never-ending sight, 
The stars that twinkle, dance and play, 
A universe of wonder on display. 

From the smallest seed to the tallest tree, 
From the tiniest insect to the largest beast, 
From the mountains high to the oceans deep, 
The beauty of Earth, forever to keep. 

A world of wonder, of endless delight, 
A planet of beauty, so pure and bright, 
Let's cherish and protect, with all our might, 
The beauty of Earth, our guiding light.


Ode to Val Valiant Thor and his efforts to save Earth, Poetry world news


In the midst of tales of outer space, 
There's one that stands out, a unique case, 
A story of a being so strange, 
Val Valiant Thor, his name in range. 

A stranger to our earthly realm, 
His presence here was like a film, 
A mystery that captured minds, 
A puzzle that still no one finds. 

He came with knowledge and with grace, 
A message from another place, 
Of peace, of love, of harmony, 
Of unity and a new destiny. 

His words were heard by just a few, 
But they were inspired, they felt anew, 
By the wisdom of this stranger, 
His words, they felt, could end all danger. 

Val Valiant Thor, a name so rare, 
A story that continues to flare, 
A legend of a visitor divine, 
A symbol of hope for all of time.


Sending a message into deep space, in hopes it finds life across the universe, poetry and lyric news.

In a world where we look up to the stars, And wonder if life is not just ours, We send radio signals to space, Hoping to find intelligent li...