Monday, April 24, 2023

Ode to the great William Shakespeare, such a mighty pen, Poetry and lyrical news.

In ages past, a man was born, Whose words and wit, the world adorned, A bard whose name, we hold so dear, William Shakespeare, forever near.

His pen a weapon, his words a shield, Against ignorance, his works revealed, A master of language, a poet divine, His legacy eternal, an enduring shrine.

From star-crossed lovers, to tragic kings, His stories and characters, our heartstrings, Captured by his wit, his insight, his grace, His words, a timeless, enduring embrace.

A son of Stratford, a humble birth, A prodigy who shaped the Earth, A playwright, a poet, a genius so true, A master of words, forever in view.

His words have moved us, through time and space, His legacy, a treasure, we cannot replace, For though he may have left this land, His works forever, at our command.

So let us celebrate, this bard of old, Whose words still warm, our hearts so cold, For though he may be gone, his spirit lives, In every word, his genius gives.

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