Monday, April 24, 2023

Ode to Covid and all its horror it brought on us, poetry lyrical news.


A world turned upside down, in turmoil and fear, A silent menace, drawing ever near, A virus named COVID, a global plight, A battle we never expected to fight.

It swept across the land, with relentless force, Affecting lives, taking its course, From loved ones lost, to dreams deferred, A pandemic that left hearts shattered and blurred.

Lockdowns and quarantines, became the new norm, Restrictions and distancing, a bitter storm, Families separated, friends apart, Loneliness, anxiety, a heavy heart.

Frontline heroes, in the battlefront, Risking their lives, with courage upfront, Healthcare workers, true warriors brave, Fighting tirelessly, our lives to save.

The toll on mental health, the strain, The grief, the loss, the endless pain, Jobs vanished, economies in distress, A crisis that put us to the test.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light, Communities coming together, with all their might, Acts of kindness, compassion, and care, A reminder that humanity, will always share.

Lessons learned, resilience found, A newfound appreciation, for the world around, A reminder of our interconnectedness, And the importance of kindness and togetherness.

Though the road has been tough, and tears have been shed, We've learned to adapt, to move ahead, With hope in our hearts, and a spirit strong, We'll overcome, and sing a victory song.

For in the face of adversity, we've grown, And shown the world, the strength we've known, COVID may have changed our lives, indeed, But our resilience and hope, will always lead.


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