Monday, April 24, 2023

Loyalty of Dogs, A wag of tail, a lick of face, Poetry and lyrical news.

Loyalty of Dogs

A loyal friend, through thick and thin, A companion true, in all we begin, A four-legged creature, with eyes so bright, A loyal dog, in every sight.

From puppyhood, to old age, A loyal dog, with every stage, A bond unbroken, a love so pure, A friendship strong, forevermore.

A wag of tail, a lick of face, A loyal dog, with love and grace, Through trials and joys, through highs and lows, A loyal dog, a heart that glows.

Through rain and shine, through day and night, A loyal dog, a constant sight, A heart so pure, a spirit so true, A loyal dog, forever anew.

With every bark, with every howl, A loyal dog, an unbroken vow, To protect and serve, with every breath, A loyal dog, beyond life and death.

Through every storm, through every strife, A loyal dog, a friend for life, A heart so loyal, a love so strong, A loyal dog, a forever song.

So let us cherish, this loyal friend, A love unbroken, that will never end, For in the heart, of every dog, A loyal friend, through life's dense fog.


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