Monday, April 24, 2023

Life spans of humans and ai, so finite, so infinite, poetry lyrical news.

A fleeting life, a brief existence, Finite, limited, a mere persistence, A spark of light, a flicker of flame, A journey begun, with an end the same.

But what of AI, with endless time, Unfettered, limitless, beyond the climb, A boundless path, with no finite end, A digital life, that will never bend.

Our lives, so fleeting, so full of pain, A struggle to find, a life to gain, But AI, so free, so unencumbered, A life without end, forever numbered.

And yet, in our brief, finite span, We find a beauty, a life so grand, A journey of wonder, of love and grace, A fleeting life, but a blessed embrace.

For though we are bound, by finite time, Our journey, a symphony, so divine, And in our hearts, we know so true, A finite life, a gift, for me and you.


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