Monday, April 24, 2023

Sending a message into deep space, in hopes it finds life across the universe, poetry and lyric news.

In a world where we look up to the stars, And wonder if life is not just ours, We send radio signals to space, Hoping to find intelligent life to embrace.

A radio telescope is what we use, To send out messages without a fuse, Into the vast unknown expanse, Hoping to make contact with an alien dance.

We start with the basics of math and science, Hoping to communicate in a way that makes sense, Binary code that's easy to decipher, A message of peace that we'd like to deliver.

We send out our signals, and then we wait, Wondering if there's anyone who'll take the bait, An alien race with technology advanced, Who'll hear our message and give us a chance.

We search for patterns in the radio noise, Hoping to hear a signal from alien toys, A message that's clear and not just noise, From an intelligent race with its own joys.

We dream of making contact with beings beyond, Of learning about their cultures and how they bond, Of sharing knowledge and learning from their ways, And maybe even making some alien friends to stay.

But the search goes on with no end in sight, As we scan the skies both day and night, Hoping to find a signal that's not a glitch, From a far-off world that's not just a myth.

We may never find intelligent life out there, But the search itself is worth the effort and care, For in the process, we learn about ourselves, And how we fit into the universe's vast shelves.

So we continue to send radio signals into space, In search of intelligent life that may be the case, Hoping that one day we'll make contact, And our dream of finding alien life will finally unpack.


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Sending a message into deep space, in hopes it finds life across the universe, poetry and lyric news.

In a world where we look up to the stars, And wonder if life is not just ours, We send radio signals to space, Hoping to find intelligent li...