Monday, April 24, 2023

Ode To Elon Musk, oh how he changed the world forever! Poetry and lyric news.


Elon Musk, a name that rings with might, A man who dreams beyond the stars at night, With boundless energy and a mind that soars, He's set to change the world forevermore.

From PayPal's early days, he's forged ahead, Tackling tough problems with his sharp-edged head, Then Tesla's electric cars he made his mark, With sleek designs that are way ahead of the pack.

But Musk's ambitions don't stop there, He aims to bring us all to Mars to share, A new world to explore and to expand, And make humanity a multi-planetary band.

With SpaceX, he's launched rockets high, And landed them back on Earth, oh my, Reusing them like never before, Making space travel accessible and more.

And let's not forget Neuralink, A venture that makes many think, Of sci-fi movies come to life, With brain-machine interfaces now in sight.

Elon Musk, a visionary true, Who's pushing boundaries like few, A man who's striving to make a change, And leave a legacy that will forever remain.


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